Giuseppe Sandro Mela
L’articolista di Reuters avverte a chiare lettere:
«Attention: strong language in eighth paragraph».
Vale la pena di leggere questo articolo anche solo per questo fatto.
Nota Lessicologica.
Nella neolingua liberal il termine “hate speech“, ‘discorso carico di odio’ indica ogni qualsivoglia argomentazione che contraddica o critichi l’ideologialiberal o quella del socialismo. La legge tedesca che ne istituisce la reprimenda penale assomiglia testualmente alla definizione dell’art. 58 del codice penale sovietico, che definiva le “attività controrivoluzionarie“
«A new law meant to curtail hate speech on social media in Germany is stifling free speech and making martyrs out of anti-immigrant politicians whose posts are deleted»
«The law which took effect on Jan. 1 can impose fines of up to 50 million euros ($60 million) on sites that fail to remove hate speech promptly»
«“Please spare us the thought police!” read a headline in Wednesday’s Bild above an article that called the law a “sin” against freedom of opinion enshrined in Germany’s constitution»
«there was no definition of what was “manifestly unlawful” in most cases»
«Justice Minister Heiko Maas defended the law, telling Bild that freedom of opinion did not mean carte blanche to spread criminal content on the internet»
«It should be abolished immediately,” Reichelt wrote, adding that the law was turning AfD politicians into “opinion martyrs”.»
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